Q. I am facing issue "isohybrid: Warning: more than 1024 cylinders: isohybrid: Not all BIOSes will be able to boot this devic", How can I resolve this?
First this is not an issue or error. This is just a warning not an error and it is just a warnning. This warning will be displayed when you are trying to convert a normal ISO file to hybrid ISO file by using isohybrid command
isohybrid /path/to/normal/iso/file
This error will come when your ISO file is more than 1GB size.
First this is not an issue or error. This is just a warning not an error and it is just a warnning. This warning will be displayed when you are trying to convert a normal ISO file to hybrid ISO file by using isohybrid command
isohybrid /path/to/normal/iso/file
This error will come when your ISO file is more than 1GB size.
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